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The Forest of Hope Association (FHA) is a National Rwandan non-government organization established in 2012 focusing on the conservation of Gishwati forest. This organization engages local communities in the conservation of Gishwati forest through conservation education, improving community livelihoods and facilitating research on the biodiversity of Gishwati forest. FHA also owns and operates the Shinehouse Gishwati Research Station in partnership with West Chester University.

FHA offers students, faculty and other researchers the opportunity to experience the many community projects they are involved in around Gishwati. These activities can be booked through FHA and all proceeds go directly to the community group providing the activity.

Traditional Dancing

Traditional Dancing

Watch and participate in an exhibition of traditional dancing performed by dancers from a local community near Gishwati forest.

Cost: 60,000 RWF (approximately $75) per group

Traditional Herbal Healers

Traditional Herbal Healers

Meet with a local traditional healer cooperative to learn and see how native plant species found in Gishwati forest are used medicinally.

Cost: 60,000 RWF (approximately $75) per group

Basket Weaving

Basket Weaving

Visit a local basket weaving cooperative to see how Rwanda’s beautiful traditional and modern baskets are made by hand.

Baskets are available for purchase.

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